Mladi vozači - Bezbjednost na putevima i troškovi vožnje - Privremeni izvještaj i konsultativni rad 

Vrsta: Seminarski | Broj strana: 32 | Nivo: Saobraćajni fakultet

Mladi vozači: Bezbjednost na putevima i troškovi vožnje
Privremeni izvještaj i konsultativni rad
Every parent feels both pride and anxiety when their son or daughter passes the driving test. Pride in achievement, but worry that the roads are dangerous places for teenagers. Last year, the number of people who died on Britain’s roads fell by 8 per cent - a real achievement. But, by contrast, the number of young drivers and passengers killed rose by 12 per cent. In total, 310 people aged 16-19 died.
The ABI and our members want to see these numbers fall. This is not, as some suggest, because we want to pay out less in claims: lower claims costs would rightly lead to lower prices in this competitive market. But it is because, as people with children ourselves, we want to reduce this loss of life that could and should be avoided.
We have therefore mined our industry’s databases and are publishing research which identifies the causes of motor accidents among the young. We have used this information to propose 10 basic steps that drivers could follow to improve their safety and reduce their motoring costs. We will also now campaign to raise the profile of road safety for young drivers in public debate. The ABI believes that more of the resources spent on road safety should be targeted on advising and helping young drivers to improve their road awareness and approach to driving. Through this consultation exercise, we also seek ideas on new and creative ways of reversing a sad and tragic trend on Britain’s roads. We look forward to working with as many people as possible to achieve this goal.
Stephen Haddrill
Director General
Association of British Insurers
Svaki roditelj osjeća i ponos i anksioznost kada njihov sin ili kćerka položi vozački ispit. Ponosni na postignuće, ali i zabrinuti da su ceste opasna mjesta za tinejdžere. Prošle godine, broj ljudi koji su poginuli na britanskim putevima pao je za 8 % - pravo postignuće. Ali,nasuprot tome, broj poginulih mladih vozača i putnika je porastao za 12 %. Ukupno, 310 ljudi umrlo je u dobi od 16-19 godina.
The ABI ( eng. Association of British Insurers- Udruženje britanskih osiguravatelja) i naši članovi žele vidjeti da ove brojke padaju. Ovo nije zato, kako to neki vide, jer želimo isplatiti manje šteta: niži troškovi potraživanja s pravom bi doveli do nižih cijena u odnosu na konkurente na tržištu. Ali, to je zato što, kao što i ljudi s djecom žele, želimo smanjiti ovaj gubitak života koji bi se mogao a i trebao izbjeći.



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